Frequently Asked Questions

Certificate of Completion

Once you have completed our course and passed the final exam, we will electronically report your completion directly to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Yes! We are a DMV licensed traffic school provider. Our license number is E9562.

Final Exam

At the end of our course, you will be required to pass a 25 questions final exam with a score of 70% or better. As required by the DMV, you will have only 2 chances to pass the final exam. The final exam is open book, so you can review the course material while taking the exam and check your answers before submitting them.

If you fail the final exam on the first try, you will have another chance to take a second final exam consisting of different questions. After two failed attempts, your account will be made inactive, and you may re-enroll in our course with a new account or enroll in another traffic school course if your court continuance time allows. The final exam procedures have been established and required by the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

No. In California, you can only take traffic school for pending cases. If the points are already on your record, you cannot remove them by attending traffic school.

Most moving violations are eligible for traffic school as long as you meet the following requirements:

    • You have not attended traffic school for a violation received in the last 18 months.
    • You were not driving a commercial vehicle or carrying hazardous material when you were cited.
    • You were not cited for a violation that carries a negligent operator count of more than one point.

If you are unsure if you are eligible for traffic school, contact the court that issued your ticket.

In California, you can take traffic school to mask a ticket once every 18 months. This is measured from violation date to violation date.

The price includes ABSOLUTELY everything you need to mask your ticket. NO HIDDEN FEES!

    • Course
    • Final Exam
    • Study Guide
    • Unlimited Logins
    • Instant Test Results
    • Electronic Submission to Court / DMV
    • Completion Receipt
Our course meets the requirements for an 8-hour traffic school course. However, because the course is done online, there is no time limit. It is self-paced, and you can take as much time as needed to complete.

No. Our course meets the requirements for an 8-hour traffic school course, but since it’s done ENTIRELY ONLINE, there is no timer. The course is self-paced, and you are able to spend as much time as you need on each section.

No. You can log in and out as many times as you’d like. Your progress is saved automatically as you go. When you log back in, you will be taken to the section you last completed.
Our course meets the requirements for an 8-hour traffic school course. However, because the course is done online, there is no time limit. It is self-paced, and you can take as much time as needed to complete.
Your account will always remain active. You just need to complete the course before the due date the court gave you.
Our course meets the requirements for an 8-hour traffic school course. However, because the course is done online, there is no time limit. It is self-paced, and you can take as much time as needed to complete.
Yes. There is a short quiz after each section of reading that you will need to pass with 100%. You can retake the quizzes as many times as it takes to pass. Each quiz has 4 questions.
Yes! We provide a full review of the course that is available for you to use while answering the final exam questions.
There is a link on the final exam that allows you to open the study guide in a separate window. You can have both the study guide and final exam open at the same time making it easy for you to pass!
As required by the DMV, there are 25 multiple choice questions on the final exam.
As required by the DMV, you will have only two chances to pass the final exam with a score of 70% or better. The final exam consists of 25 multiple choice questions, and it is an open book test. We provide a study guide for you to use while answering the questions.

If you fail the final exam on the first try, you will have another chance to take a second final exam consisting of different questions. After two failed attempts, your account will be made inactive. You can sign up and take the entire course again if your court continuance time allows.

The final exam procedures have been established and are required by the California DMV.

Our course meets the requirements for an 8-hour traffic school course. However, because the course is done online, there is no time limit. It is self-paced, and you can take as much time as needed to complete.
We make our course and final exam as EASY AS POSSIBLE! It is unlikely that you will fail the final exam as long as you use the materials provided. If, somehow, you do fail the final, you will be given one more attempt to pass. The second final exam consists of different questions.

If you fail twice, you will need to take the course again if your court continuance time allows.

Our course meets the requirements for an 8-hour traffic school course. However, because the course is done online, there is no time limit. It is self-paced, and you can take as much time as needed to complete.
Your certificate of completion is submitted electronically to the court and the DMV within three days of your completion. Immediate electronic filing is available if you are close to your due date. You will also receive a FREE DMV completion receipt that you can print for your records.
No. The course fee includes everything you need to mask your ticket including the course, electronic submission to the court and DMV, and a free completion receipt. We provide extra services to assist our students that you can choose to purchase.
No. The course fee includes everything you need to mask your ticket including the course, electronic submission to the court and DMV, and a free completion receipt. We provide extra services to assist our students that you can choose to purchase.
The fee you paid to the court is an administrative fee that allows you take traffic school. All traffic schools have their own service fee, which are separate from any fees charged by the court.

How much time do I have to complete traffic school once I pay my ticket?

Once you pay your ticket, the court typically gives you anywhere from 60-90 days to complete a traffic school course. Contact your court if you are unsure of your due date.

My traffic school certificate is due at the court today. Can I still take the course?

Yes! As long as you finish BEFORE midnight on the date your traffic school is due, you will be in compliance with the court’s due date. Immediate electronic filing is available to ensure it gets to the court on time.

What do I do if my traffic school due date has already passed?

If your due date to complete traffic school has already passed, we recommend contacting your court as soon as possible to find out if you are eligible for an extension on your due date. Your court’s contact information can be found on your citation or you can go to

How soon can I start the course once I sign up?

You can start IMMEDIATELY after you sign up! It only takes a few minutes to register!

How do I continue a course I’ve already started?

Log In Here with your driver’s license number and the password you created, and you will be taken to the last section you completed.