Electronic Submission for Traffic School

If you take California traffic school, your verification of course completion will need to be sent directly to the California DMV and Court that issued your citation. We take care of this for you. Be sure to check with your court prior to your Due Date to ensure they processed your completion.

There are many traffic schools online in California, but only courses licensed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles can help you conceal your ticket from your driving record.

In California, traffic school is 8 hours. But, if you take it online there are no timers, so actual course time will depend on the individual. It could take one to two hours or the entire eight. There is a mandatory 25 question multiple choice quiz at the end in which you need to get 70% correct to pass.

Going to traffic school means that your insurance company will not find out about your traffic ticket and your rates will be unaffected. Because of this you’ll save yourself from paying hundreds or thousands of extra dollars, keep your California Good Driver discount, and more.

NOTE: You will be granted a one-time 90 day continuance to complete traffic school. Traffic schools are now required to electronically notify the court of traffic school completion. Paper certificates may only be issued to drivers with out of state licenses, who will then be responsible for notifying the court with the signed original certificate. California licensed drivers should rely on the schools to notify the court.